defining + educating on being bornawake®

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7 days ago

this week we're bringing back our most popular episode - the densities
in this episode spirit gives a detailed break down of the densities from 1d through to 10d defining the key characteristics of each. for bornawakes® the goal is to unlock sovereign exchange with + through all of the densities + create access to the fullness of the experience of any density.
understanding this is what allows you to find the origin of your attachments + rewrite absolutely anything at will!
this episode is a resource to help you navigate the different tiers of your energetic work. spirit walks you through each density with lots of detail so you can create familiarity with each vibrational range + get to know the masteries that may belong to them. 
- what the densities are
- how to use the densities to find the origin of open attachments + open dynamics of exchange + rewrite them
- the key characteristics of each density
- the importance of noticing which density/densities spark your interest
- free exchange + sovereignty
- identifying active open attachment points
- pulling forward masteries + unlocking sovereign exchange with the densities
- a detailed breakdown of each density from 1D to 10D
- karma, open attachments + open contracts + the densities you can + can’t find those on
- the pluses + minuses of working with the different densities
- rocks, minerals, elementals, plants + plant medicines, crystals, animals, the body, the nervous system, spirit guides, ancestors, shamanic practices, angels + demons, polarity, institutions, religion, war,  masculine + feminine, dark entities, pure intent, witches, good + evil, the soul, emotions, past lives, AI, aliens, sacred geometry, sound healing, higher self, timelines, energy + vibration, star seeds, collectives from other galaxies, dna, unconditional love, the akashic records, creator energy, infinite possibility, void + the densities they belong to
- the masteries that are likely to belong to the different densities
- how time pertains to the densities
- transitioning into the understanding that you are creator
- the energy bornawakes® most crave access to
- outsourcing our power
- the importance of relative truth
- how to remain in the fullness of the experience within a density
- playing in the densities without being beholden to any rules
- identity + the densities
- spiritual ego
- the way bornawakes® set up scenarios to prove to themselves they are masters
- having understanding + compassion for where you‘re at, at any stage
- how to bring void energy into your healing work
what are the densIties - 05:52
understanding how to use the densities in your healing work - 06:46
the densities through the bornawake® lens - 09:50
breakdown of the densities - 19:55
1d - 21:25
2d - 21:50
3d - 22:40
4d - 23:00
5d - 27:30
6d - 35:10
7d - 41:30
7d-8d - 44:25
8d - 45:00
9d - 45:40
10d - 47:24
1d revisited - 49:50
2d revisited - 50:20
3d revisited - 53:20
pulling forward masteries + not outsourcing our power- 54:20
spiritual ego - 60:20
neutrality vs chasing drama - 1:07:10
how to sit with things using void energy - 1:11:40
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WHERE TO FIND US: on tiktok on IG 

Thursday Oct 03, 2024

this episode breaks down how to tell what is trauma vs what is an open attachment in your operating system. knowing this unlocks so much for bornawakes® because the approach for each kind of work is so specific. don't be surprised if you want to listen to this one again + again - so much information here! 
- recognising the difference between a trauma response and the absolute 3d split
- how the absolute 3d split is the reason we can’t hold void in our bodies + life yet
- how that split can look similar to a trauma response + how to figure out which one is operating
- how trauma + the split often feed off each other
- figuring out if something is happening because of trauma or because of open attachments in your system
- making sure that in our work on ourselves we’re addressing both - open attachments + trauma
- knowing when to use trauma recovery practices for your body + nervous system
- knowing when to look at multidimensional contracts 
- when you’ve processed the trauma + emotions but it doesn’t resolve the thing because there’s multidimensional attachments at play
- how the energetic mission is to learn to hold void
- how bornawakes® incarnate in the absolute 3d split
- what causes the flipping back + forth between what we know to be true + what we’re able to experience as our reality
- how approaching different kinds of healing work requires different approaches
- attracting a relationship that recreates the exact same feeling or experience as the one you had in childhood
- what it looks like to be doing the wrong kind of work or not going deep enough with the right work
- what avoiding a trauma response from childhood might look like
- avoiding reality + checking out 
- checking out of the human experience in the guise of spirituality or seeing ourselves as creator
- taking a disassociation pathway vs facing it by going through the body
- how trauma creates internal splits
- having karmic soul-level recognition with someone
- how disassociating + the absolute 3d split feel so similar
- how contracts with other beings feel
- identifying with being a starseed or alien
- when looking at multidimensional contracts is taking you way from your body
- autoimmune disorders
- being in the habit of putting your body last
- being here as a guide to your parents
- out of body experiences
- the multidimensional mechanisms we have in your operating systems from other incarnations
- investigating what your operating system is actually doing
- being master beings in a child’s body
- how we come in so much more resourced to deal with multidimensional contracts rather than trauma in the body 
- looking at the order to work through all this
- trusting that if trauma isn’t what you’re up to there’s a reason
- creating the support you need and focusing on that rather than the trauma itself
- creating the conditions that allow you to enter into a difficult tier of work
- guidance for navigating the different layers of work
- moving back and forwards in layers between trauma work and operating system work
- getting to neutrality in your body
- using neutrality as a measure for where you are in your work, and what you need
- going easy with our trauma work
- resources for trauma recovery
- somatic experiencing, psychodrama, dialectal behavioural therapy + other resources spirit recommends
- advice for choosing the right practitioner
- following your instincts with trauma
- the benefits + limits of talk therapy
- negotiating a cheaper price with practitioners you feel really drawn to work with but can’t afford
- allowing more support to find you
- working on boundaries to get into a place where trauma work feels possible
- getting the support you need where you’re at
- the interplay between trauma + energetic work
- finding the safe way to journey your trauma work on your own
- making it feel safe to feel into areas where there’s trauma on your own
- making it feel safe to feel split
recognising the difference between a trauma response and the absolute 3d split - 02:30
when you have processed the trauma + emotions but it doesn’t resolve the thing because there’s multidimensional attachments at play - 05:40
when you look at the open attachments but it doesn’t resolve the thing because there’s emotional processing you need to do - 07:45
what it might look like to be avoiding trauma work - replicating an unhealthy relationship you had as a child - 10:45
what it might look like to be avoiding trauma work - spending time playing video games or creating outside of reality - 13:20
taking a disassociation pathway vs facing it by going through the body  - 14:45
how trauma creates internal splits - 17:10
what it might look like to be avoiding multidimensional work - karmic connection in a relationship  - 21:35
is it the absolute 3d split or is it the defence mechanism of disassociation? - 25:40
what it might look like to be avoiding multidimensional work - autoimmune disorders - 27:00
what it might look like to be avoiding multidimensional work - sacrificing the body for the zoomed out perspective - 28:50
seeing that usually it’s both (your operating system + trauma) - 30:00
not realising you have inner child trauma work to do - 35:20
being here as your parent’s guide - 37:35
is there an order we should do our work in? - 38:55
advice for approaching inner child work if you feel like you’re avoiding your trauma work - 40:30
navigating flowing back + forth between your trauma process + the energetic work - 42:00
holding the absolute perspective in a way that respects the body instead of triggering it - 48:25
having complex trauma + learning to feel safe in your body - 49:50
spirit’s recommended trauma resources - 51:00
boundaries - 1:00:00
advice for someone who is really struggling - 1:02:15
the portal activations to use to do trauma work in the portal - 1:05:45
increasing your system’s experience of safety when working through trauma on your own or in the portal- 1:08:00
sign up for the portal 
dialectical behavioral therapy 
40 years of zen, dave asprey 
terry real 
other resources mentioned:
somatic experiencing, breathwork, psychodrama, EMDR, neurofeedback
for personal recommendations please reach out to us via email! 
email us on tiktok on IG 

Thursday Sep 26, 2024

on this episode of true frequency podcast spirit + jessie explore what can come up as you unravel why you're creating something undesirable in your reality. this episode walks you through what to do once you know what part of you is creating it, how to meet the different parts of self that set undesirable things in motion, how to hold space for the human part that did not choose what you are having to endure + how to use completion work to create a new outcome
- how creating your reality doesn’t mean we have access to the parts of us that are setting that undesirable thing in motion
- meeting the parts that are setting those things in motion
- having self awareness
- how having the perspective that we’re creating our reality isn’t enough to stop the thing from playing out
- helping yourself set new things in motion
- taking it further than just knowing why + learning how to pull forward masteries
- attracting a different type of relationship outside of your patterns 
- knowing how to close out the attachments that have been creating an undesirable experience 
- encountering guilt + shame around not knowing how to shift dynamics or change experiences 
- how to use completion work to shift something once you know what part of you is creating it
- focusing on the feelings that come around not being able to shift things as a starting point
- how to use completion work to bring in the things you desire
- questioning whether you have something unique or special to offer
- shifting from not taking yourself seriously to being fully recognised
- integrating a part so new experiences can land
- not spiritually bypassing
- how seeing that you created it can lead to overwhelm 
- feeling at peace with things not feeling good
- focusing on the feeling state
- seeing the way our system is opted into the experience of sadness or hopelessness
- working on feeling good or feeling safe as opposed to creating a desired external outcome
- being embodied so you can feel the connection between your internal + external realities
- being intentional about meeting the parts of you that are creating things
- holding the perspectives from the different aspects of our totality
- the empowerment of making sense of why things are happening
- increasing your capacity to sit with more truth
- cultivating peace at where you’re at
- resisting being in the void perspective because it will lift so much to the surface
- not being where you’re wanting to be at but seeing years of work between where you are and what you want
- the feeling of urgency to get through the work
are we to blame for the undesirable things that are happening in our lives? - 02:25
meeting the part of you that is setting the undesirable thing in motion - 04:00
when seeing that you created it can make it feel worse - 07:05
attracting a new relationship type outside of your patterns - 09:25
focusing on the feelings that come up around not being able to shift things as a starting point - 15:55
moving from not seeing why you’re creating it to being recognized + landing new work opportunities  - 17:20
working on achieving a feeling state vs creating a desired external outcome - 24:35
creating evidence that your internal state is creating your external reality - 29:20
intentionally meeting the human part of us that did not choose the experience we created - 31:30
the fear of getting the reason for why we created it + the relief on the other side of that - 33:35
when you can see why you’re creating it + now you’re overwhelmed at how much work there is to change it - 35:10
navigating the waiting time between where you’re at + being at the next level - 37:40
episode where we speak about completing open attachments
episode where we speak about the completion work process
episode where we talk about not going into overwhelm
sign up for the portal 
WHERE TO FIND US: on tiktok on IG 

Wednesday Sep 18, 2024

this episode gives a much needed reframe around the idea of the work being to exit the matrix - at bornawake® we couldn't agree less! this episode unpacks how to create sovereign exchange vis a vis any and all experiences + angle your spiritual + energetic evolution towards remaining in the dream awake. this episode explores how to change the collective reality through doing things differently! how growth, evolution + healing is available to you while you’re here in your reality - no exiting necessary
- wellness culture energy where the goal is to check out of your current reality + transcend the matrix
- the contrast between awakening + bornawake® beings
- transcending the illusion vs starting off already knowing the illusion
- entering into the dream awake - being in the world while knowing its an illusion
- why exiting the matrix is problematic
- how trying to remove yourself from reality is always spiritual bypassing, no matter whether you’re awakening or bornawake®
- debunking the idea of needing to renounce everything in order to land your dream life
- how awakening requires going through the realisation that none of this is real
- how the path to sovereignty can never be to stop engaging
- changing the collective reality through doing it differently
- keeping neutral awareness while entering in to the devastating things happening on earth
- being an agent of change
- how growth, evolution + healing is available to you while you’re here in your reality
- areas where you can’t see the path to making your life different 
- breaking down the illusion that ‘i have to work hard for money’
- shifting out of the illusion of powerlessness towards making money
- using your privilege to keep investing in what’s happening
- caring about what happens to the earth
- how to be sovereign in the matrix, practically
- finding momentum through wearing the posture of sovereignty
- using the portal to increase sovereignty
- how to work with areas where it feels like it’s true that you can’t change your reality
- breaking down open attachments
- breaking down the energy of the dollar
- closing out attachments to old earth energy systems
- inheriting genetic rules for how money can flow
- creating a template for sovereignty
- areas where it feels like you can’t have a different experience than what you’re having
- shifting out of oppression
- creating experiences that confirm the power dynamic you feel oppressed by + what stops that from showing up
- being safe being a woman on earth, a person of colour on earth etc
- being energetically sober
- boundaries + the solar plexus
reframing the dominant narrative around the matrix - 02:30
why the idea of exiting the matrix is problematic - 06:25
the idea of having to leave behind + renounce all things to land our dream life - 08:20
the realisation that none of this is real + our responsibility to change the collective reality - 09:00
when spiritual mastery feels like it does require giving up caring about what’s happening on earth + learning how to participate in your reality - 10:30
the wave of consciousness that began in the 60s + the evolution of where the current wave is at- 14:45
sovereignty in the matrix - 16:15
being stuck experiencing the illusion as real + where to start looking to shift that - 16:45
interrupting the feeling of being blocked or victimised by an area of life - 22:30
the idea that once you’re fully sovereign you won’t have feelings about things anymore or that the things that are happening won’t concern you - 25:40
reaching what we desire + remaining invested in what’s happening- 27:40
orienting your system + holding the posture of sovereignty  - 31:20
open attachments with old energy + imaging what the new cold be - 35:10
coming up against a power dynamic that you feel oppressed by - money - 38:05
coming up against a power dynamic that you feel oppressed by - being a woman + not feeling safe - 41:25
coming up against a power dynamic that you feel oppressed by - being a person of colour - 46:25
the difference between being sovereign in the matrix vs exiting the matrix - 50:00
the solar plexus + sovereignty - 53:20
sign up for the portal 
WHERE TO FIND US: on tiktok on IG 

Wednesday Sep 11, 2024

anchoring void in our bodies + in 3d has never been a thing, until now! that’s what the generation of bornawakes® are here to do, though it's not like that's an easy task! 
bornawakes® often end up removed from the human experience, questioning how to fully enter in, + unsure of how to bring the things they want the most into existence. on this episode of the podcast spirit + jessie speak to the gap that is usually present for bornawakes® between the void and 3d, sharing some common problems bornawakes® face as they attempt to be human, as well as plenty of their own examples of how they stay opted in. 
- how embodying void is what bornawakes® are here to do 
- holding void in our bodies
- how it’s time to teach our operating systems how to bring void into 3d
- expressing your totality through your body + operating system, instead of just hanging out in void
- why it’s so important that bornawakes® do their work
- creating a roadmap for what our mission is as bornawakes®
- feeling the pull back to void + that moment when gravity finally drops
- attachments that make it possible to be in void or 3d but never in both + completing them
- the absolute 3d split - the places we have where we experience a divide between void + 3d
- trauma in childhood
- being here as your parent’s guide
- disassociation
- the factors that make it really difficult to bring void down
- bornawake®-specific coping mechanisms in childhood
- having skills that have little do to with this plane of existence
- bornawakes® who don’t identify as spiritual 
- different kinds of bornawakes® + what we all share in common
- ai contracts
- determining whether something that’s operating in your system is actually serving to bridge the absolute 3d split, or making it worse
- the rate at which bornawakes® are being born
- bornawakes® being the next wave of evolution
- meeting other bornawakes® + how many there are out there
- there reason there’s so few bornawakes® here now
- the bloodlines bornawakes® choose to be born into
- the purpose of millennials focusing on their healing, in evolutionary terms
- practices that anchor us into the human experience
- finding ways that make it feel good to be opted in to the human experience
- the importance of connection with the right people
- getting triggered + wanting to go back to void rather than be with people
- anchoring into the primal + the muck
- running energy through the body
- getting turned off of what we want the most because it doesn’t seem possible on this plane of existence
- how opting in is going all in on pulling off the thing you really want to do
- cementing the new reality you want to be experiencing in 3d
- building a network that’s a match for your true frequency
what bornawakes® are here for - embodying void in 3d - 03:00
the absolute 3d split - being either tapped into void or in the muck of 3d, but never in both at once - 04:25
being the first generation that are here to hold void in our operating systems - 06:00
the difficulty bornawakes® face when they try to bring the absolute awareness down to 3d - 08:25
the absolute 3d split - the places we have where we experience a divide between void + 3d - 10:00
determining whether it’s your operating system or trauma - 11:35
when the multidimensional skills in your aura kick in + how they’re often a coping strategy - 13:25
non- spiritual bornawakes® - 15:25
bornawakes® being the next wave of evolution  - 19:30
ways that we can opt in to the human experience - 26:30
the importance of connections with the right people - 31:00
choosing to get in the muck of 3d instead of being transcendent + okay with everything - 33:10
transitioning to doing things because you want to, not out of any obligation - 42:15
locking energy signatures into the body - 44:55
when it feels like the way we want things to work is impossible - 48:25
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WHERE TO FIND US: on tiktok on IG 

Wednesday Sep 04, 2024

bornawakes® desire to be recognized for the unique contribution their frequency provides the earth + other people, but it can be challenging to feel like that's enough or know how to create a life reflective of that truth.
this episode helps you see the value of your frequency + download a new vision of how life could look, inclusive of a job or role that flows from true frequency.
- not knowing how to identify the value that you’re providing
- growing up in an environment where you feel like you’re being used
- realising your energetic exchanges are not balanced
- feeling like your presence is doing so much for people but not being recognised or seen
- not being able to see tangibly what you want to be in the world
- proving to yourself that you’re creating your reality
- not understanding the role that matches your being
- owning what you have to step into in order to live what you desire to experience on earth
- existing in a capitalist society + culture while exploring your value
- receiving more simply by being
- applying 'your value is your frequency' to all the areas of your life
- what your value is your frequency means
- unlearning the ways you were impacted by the culture at school
- finding out what your unique frequency is contributing to other people + the earth
- genetic contracts + inner child work
- when what you’re here to do is very energetic in nature
- receiving recognition for the subtle work you do
- the history of being someone who is here doing work for the collective + how that work usually goes unrecognized 
- when it feels like in almost all areas of life you are not seeing your frequency valued
- focusing on what the new would look like before we can address getting rid of the old
- seeing beyond what you’re experiencing now + receiving some concept of what your frequency could translate into
- translating your frequency into a role that you get paid for
- asking the question ‘what is the role that flows from true frequency?’
- establishing something that’s never existed before
- anchoring the new + investigating where that doesn’t feel possible or in reach
- being met with a brand new potential for how your life could be
- receiving the download of the role that allows you to hold your true frequency
the unseen exchanges between you + other people - 02:45
not being seen for what your presence is doing for people + the desire to be valued for simply being - 04:45
being more interested in multidimensional things than building a normal life - 05:30
seeing the value of your frequency - 07:10
experimenting with the attitude ‘what if my value is my frequency, what if that is enough’ - 08:25
looking at areas where you don’t believe that your vale is your frequency - 10:00
experiencing + sitting with the currents + exchanges of energy going on in your current reality - 15:10
offering something energetic to the world + how historically that role has not been something that you experience recognition for - 16:35
getting comfortable with getting credit for your frequency - 18:30
pinpointing the area where you’re already receiving confirmation of your value vs picking somewhere + upgrading it to that experience - 20:55
choosing an area in life where you want to upgrade the experience so your value equals your frequency  - 22:05
anchoring the new - getting to know the potentials of what could be in your life instead of what you have now - 23:45
the desire to serve + do that in a way that feels good - 26:00
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WHERE TO FIND US: on tiktok on IG 

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

this episode gives bornawakes® the starting point of the process to change your reality at will + it's asking the question "why am i creating this experience?' it's so common for that lens to be replaced with the concept of the universe sending something your way but in this episode spirit + jessie break down why it's so important to develop the ability to hold this lens + the posture that goes with it
- why the starting point for the completion process starts with the question 'why am I creating this?'
- losing sight of seeing how you’re creating something and making it about the universe or source
- incongruences in other modalities or spiritual teachings to do with “the universe” vs seeing yourself as creator
-  what happened when spirit chose to start wearing the lens that she is creating her reality
- how using the lens 'why am I creating this' gives access to so much more insight than looking at it like its something the universe is trying to show you
- getting to the root of things in the most efficient way
- understanding the way you influence the reality around you
- how accepting yourself as creator takes stepping out of the victim stance + what makes this difficult
- why this question is so efficient for bornawakes®
- who holding this reality is + is not useful for
- how different operating systems relate to reality
- the level of createrhood that different beings are craving
- how can it be true that we are creating our reality in cases of extreme trauma or adversity
- the genocide in Palestine
- experimenting with the lens 'you are creating your reality' and seeing whether its helpful
- areas where it’s difficult to hold the lens
- when it feels like you’re obligated into how + who you serve
- bringing more spaciousness into 3d
- wearing the void lens
- wearing the posture 'you are creating your reality' + developing the ability to receive why you’re creating something in real time
- open attachments tied to helping people heal by taking their stuff into your system
- creating the same problem or the same situation again + again
- shamanic open attachments
-  giving + receiving more through being expressed in your totality
- how to view it when you’re creating tests
- choosing the experience that resonates with the new energy when you're given choices
- the impulse to go with the old
- making yourself available for the new
- not rushing your expansion into new energy
the incongruence in other healing modalities where it comes to creating your reality -  02:45
choosing to commit to using the lens ‘why am I creating this experience?’ -  06:33
the desire bornawakes® have to understand + and play with the mechanics of matter - 12:15
stepping out of the victim stance -14:50
the posture + attitude that goes with the question ‘why am I creating this?’ - 16:55
are we all at a stage where it's useful to look at things through this lens? - 21:50
learning to hold the reality you’re creating your experience + holding space for the things that come up around that  - 25:35
the larger collective timings at play on Earth - 29:00
what frees bornawakes® to accept the reality that they’re creating their reality - 32:25
using this lens in areas where there’s a lot of different open attachments creating the situation so you cannot see how you’re creating it - 35:40
feeling cut off from createrhood/ like you can make decisions/ feeling obligated to serve in a certain way - 37:00
creating more inner space - 40:45
helping people heal by taking their stuff into your system- 41:55
when you’re tied to old earth technologies or systems - 47:35
this question ‘why am I creating this?’ being the first step of the completion process + the only thing besides the portal you really need - 48:45
being tested + how that really works - 50:50
epsiode where we speak about directionality
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WHERE TO FIND US: on tiktok on IG 

Tuesday Aug 20, 2024

this episode is your guide for navigating + processing deep emotional spaces. spirit + jessie walk you through the practices + attitudes they use that make it possible to navigate any layer of the process while remaining both voidal + human
- what it means to reach nirvana
- spiritual bypassing
- processing emotions
- having the human experience in it’s fullness
- mainstream spirituality thinking
- being able to be in your frequency at the same time as being able to allow the emotional wave to wash through you
- trying to figure something out so you don’t have to experience it anymore
- obsessive thinking + triggered states
- going in to the mental story of what’s up for you
- finding gratitude towards what remains in you to be processed
- processing why a situation is so activating for you
- breath work practices for moving dense emotions
- somatic experiencing
- tapping into the wisdom of the body to allow emotions to run
- holding void while moving with the wave of emotion at the same time
- allowing more spaciousness + safety to be found in the body
- finding the way the body wants to move
- moving deep stuck emotions by tapping into the body’s wisdom
- shifting through rage
- practices for connecting to things beneath the conscious level
- mastering our emotions
- being too zoomed in or too zoomed out of emotions
- learning to energetically move towards what is coming up
- deepening our capacity to fully accept + meet emotions or energy
- using music to process
- listening to the raw data rather than going into sense making 
- creating safety through traumatic or high risk layers of work
- practices for holding the truth that you are safe while holding the experience of a total lack of safety in the body
- learning to hold void in the body + remaining tethered to that as a measure for how far to travel into deep spaces
- learning to bring observer energy in while being with emotions
- just moving through the sensations that arise vs observing from inside the sensation
- seeing the transition of our relationship to our emotions
-the role of our partner in holding space for emotions
- trauma recovery
- building our capacity for feeling safe inwardly + with others
developing a new spiritual attitude inclusive of our humanness + emotions - 03:45
the fear of going into anger or trauma because it may block the things we’re wanting or attract negativity - 05:55
learning to trust being in your frequency while handling the waves of emotion that pass through you - 06:35
getting stuck in the mental story of what’s up for you + what tools help you to navigate that - 09:15
tapping into the body to process feelings + resolve situations - 11:00
tapping into the wisdom of the body when there’s something very dense on the surface - 13:30
connection practice for the inner child - 15:30
mastering the emotional wave - 17:25
the absolute 3d/split + the energy of moving towards things - 21:15
when what you’re processing brings up trauma responses, a lack of safety or risk - 23:45
knowing how to travel to deep spaces safely - 28:50
practicing falling back into void + bringing the observer facet of self forward - 36:00
holding space for your partner during emotional processing - 44:00
sign up for the portal 
WHERE TO FIND US: on tiktok on IG 

Tuesday Aug 13, 2024

on this special episode join spirit solo as she shares about these past few months + the messy, difficult time she’s been through while pulling down the newest part of her body of work, the true frequency workshop. spirit muses on how it’s felt like being her own case study, experiencing first hand what is needed to support the full self as more of you comes forward to heal so you can hold the next level of your true frequency. spirit takes us behind the curtains of exactly what’s been coming up + what has helped her stay moving in a time of deep healing.
this episode has so many valuable resources (many of which are available to you at the portal - you’re welcome!). spirit shares how she’s learned to pull down the new in a way that’s more supportive of the full self - slowing down on completion work when there’s trauma surfacing + moving through the human aspects of the process without wishing it were different or pulling herself out of the experience before the unwind that wanted to happen was through. spirit reflects on how much things have changed since she stopped pulling too hard on the thread of what she’s anchoring - learning what efficiency looks like without depleting the system or pushing harder than the child parts of self can go.
this episode gives listeners hacks to move energy, energetic tools to move through times of difficulty, advice when you’re immersed in a process of deep healing + spirit’s newest insights on how to synthesise our full multidimensionality, humanness, and void into one cohesive expression of your true frequency. 
love this episode? rate us! xx
-  pulling more of the bornawake® body of work down + the stuff spirit had to move through to make way for the new
- showing up for a challenging time
- becoming a match to a more expanded version of yourself
- the new true frequency workshop coming soon
- being a steward for your body of work
- pulling down something + taking on too much too quickly 
- templates for success that were picked up during formative years that are depleting 
- determining whether things are flowing with or pulling you out of your true frequency
- course: complete our advanced training for bornawakes®
- energetic hacks for holding your true frequency
- building the muscle of being in your true frequency
- being with + tending to the needs of the human part of us
- two handed journaling + parts work with inner child parts
- the importance of therapy or other resources if that’s not possible for you
- the work in the portal to use to deal with your child aspect of self
- learning how to synthesise all of the aspects of being into one coherent expression
- what dose it mean to make holding your true frequency your normal
- journeying what it means to adopt the wise adult self
- the work we have to do in order for the potential we’re sitting with to actually land
- having the experience of your energy being fully received
- making being received fully in your energy your goal
- having your energy fully received in every area of your life + knowing that will bring what you desire to you
- creating are reality that can completely hold your frequency
- being afraid to receive more
- figuring out who and how you want to serve
- seeing the “wise adult” as the coherence of all the parts of us
- how pushing harder than your child parts want to go is never the most efficient way
- playing around with structuring so there’s times of deep healing and times of fun
- reaching a place where it’s possible to structure + factor in periods of deep healing + learning what’s possible in the different seasons of the cycle
- the luxury of getting to make mistakes without causing any enormous consequences
receiving + pulling in new material for the bornawake® body of work - 05:50
journeying what comes up while pulling down the new - 09:25
remaining in your true frequency where nothing can pull you out + the resources to do this - 13:15
slowing down on completion work when there’s trauma surfacing + moving through the human aspects of the process - 16:30
the extra support you need when journeying something difficult - 18:30
learning to synthesise our full multidimensionality, humanness, and void into one cohesive expression - 22:00
depletion templates + figuring out a more gentle way to pull down potential - 24:35
making true frequency the goal + the fear that that won’t be enough - 27:30
synthesising the self + creating a reality that flows effortlessly with that - 32:40
supporting the body + nervous system in times of deep process - 34:40
reaching a plateau after moving through enough layers of attachment work where there’s a lot of choice about how you keep moving forward - 41:40
creating a life where everything feels low stakes where there's room for getting it wrong + still having fun - 48:00
sign up for the portal 
WHERE TO FIND US: on tiktok on IG 

EP 34 - you control the pace

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024

this episode recorded in 2021 helps bornawakes® understand what they can + cannot control about the pace of their transformation. bornawakes® CAN control their ability to be fully anchored in the frequency of the absolute, but what can never be controlled is the pace at which change materialises in 3d reality. this episode helps bornawakes® get clear about what is and is not true for the bornawake® life path, where this differs from the experience of an awakening being + how with the right knowledge + approach bornawakes® can keep moving towards what they desire to experience, no matter how much time that may take. 
thanks for being here! we love you!
- the difference between awakening vs bornawake® life paths
- why trying to take the same path as an awakening being just doesn’t work out
- how to move the needle in any area of life, no matter how much time that may take
- 3d signs, being pointed in the right direction, finding your thing
- waiting for 3d to present you with the next step vs deciding the pace
- feeling lead by the universe, god or higher self
- how ram dass was here to serve awakening beings
- the path that doesn’t work for bornawakes®
- being here to anchor into the absolute truth + live without separation
- how bornawakes® are not interested in “not knowing”
- dealing with triggers when holding new energies
- the laws that govern time
- cause + effect
- completing open attachments to live a karma free experience
- moving to a place where time becomes irrelevant
- pulling forward masteries + bringing more of yourself online
- mastering the time it takes for things to change + anchor in 3d
- moving closer to the absolute perspective through other meditative techniques
- you are in control of becoming or remaining fully anchored in the frequency of the absolute
- how information rarely moves the needle for bornawakes®
- quantum mechanics
- supporting the body’s capacity to hold void
- nervous system regulation 
- intergenerational trauma
awakening beings + their path through life - 02:15
having to wait for the next thing + feeling like you don’t have what you need to get to the next level - 06:45
coming to the understanding that you are in charge of the pace - 08:35
the laws that govern time - 11:00
cultivating inner peace - 16:20
completing the experience of NOT being able to control the pace - 17:45
you control the pace of your own inner transformation + managing the experience of things taking time to change in 3d - 19:45
whether other meditative practices are relevant to bornawakes® - 22:20
supporting the body’s capacity to hold void - 26:50
sign up for the portal 
WHERE TO FIND US: on tiktok on IG 

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